solo:) 發表於 12-5-2008 19:15:44

there is a few people chating in here.
I hope that there is nice to became more popular,
because i want to through talking with other people in english is be able to
achieve my goal of improve my poor english.

`Lok-) 發表於 12-5-2008 20:05:29

好艾力度 發表於 12-5-2008 20:28:44

回復 11# 的帖子

I hope the board master can organize some events and increase the flow of visitors here.

sosai 發表於 12-5-2008 23:14:56

but it is very tired to read too much english

Zend 發表於 12-5-2008 23:34:08

To a certain extent, the traditional Chinese words are much tiring.

sosai 發表於 12-5-2008 23:40:00

for the people that poor in english like me
we cannot totally understand you statment

jackiema 發表於 12-5-2008 23:43:48

I have gotten used to reading English since form 2, because I have been playing an English online game (and browsing forums about it).
Ironically, I feel tired while reading too much Chinese, but not English...
Reading English is actually easier than Chinese...

sosai 發表於 12-5-2008 23:52:00

i am talking about the normal
not the "god people" of english like you

Zend 發表於 13-5-2008 00:34:44

if you are able to make use of English as a communication "tool"/language , you can catch up things easier and more effecient than others, especially when you are in the senior level. The act of your teachers is to teach you how to think of the situation, not just give you the notes and you then carry out memorization.

piyopiyo 發表於 14-5-2008 12:09:44

I started playing English online game since primary 3[] I played Runescape at that time...
Still, my English suxk[]
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