神忍光仔 發表於 19-10-2010 19:03:38


舉一個例~SiO2(Sillicon dioxide)石英喇....個化學結構係4粒oxygen 包住1粒 sillicon喇....share 1粒電子...我想問既係點解佢唔form 兩個double bond,share 兩粒電子..都係SiO2..呢= =....

-終場ソ使者- 發表於 19-10-2010 19:38:16


神忍光仔 發表於 19-10-2010 20:09:17

唔係wor,,,我chem老師話有得解-_-佢話關stable 問題事.....

小朋友你好 發表於 19-10-2010 22:46:53

同graphite diamond一樣係giant covalent structure
special case

p445hkk20001 發表於 23-10-2010 18:09:02

本帖最後由 p445hkk20001 於 23-10-2010 04:15 編輯

SiO2只係Empirical formula計出黎比例黎
唔係Molecular formula   
而Giant covalent structure 無Molecular formula

paladin 發表於 10-11-2011 23:10:48

Si forms unfavorable pi bonds with O and is easily distorted by pz and py of Os, unstable, four sigma much better.
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